All Your Questions Answered:
Q: What is the refund and exchange policy for Sarsari Creations?
🌈 A: At Sarsari Creations, every piece is a unique journey! 🚀 If your order arrives and it’s not quite the star of your dreams - maybe it's a bit different, has taken a little tumble, or just isn’t what you expected - reach out within 5 days. Snap a pic of the hiccup 📸 and zip it over to us with your order number. We’re all about making things right, whether that means a quick fix, a reprint, or a refund to your original payment method.
Q: What steps should I follow if my order has issues?
🎨 A: Got a glitch? Here’s the plan: capture the issue in a photo, jot down your order number, and send it all to our contact within 5 days of saying hello to your order. We’ll check it out, and if we find a need for a do-over or a refund, consider it done. 🌟
Q: Are there any items that cannot be returned?
🚫 A: Due to their custom magic, our creations are typically final sales. But, we wave our return wand for any items that arrive with flaws like rips, blemishes, or any fairy-tale mishaps. Custom is cool, but perfection is our goal!
Q: What if I want to cancel my order?
⏰ A: Orders race to production quicker than a shooting star! 🌠 If your design is already in the print queue but not yet pressed, we’ll need to charge a small $3.00 cancellation fee.
Q: Can I return or exchange an item if I selected the wrong size or design?
👕 A: Picked the wrong size or design? Oof, we’ve been there! As each item is crafted just for you, we can’t do returns or exchanges on oopsies in selection. Double-check those details (like spellings and sizes) before you click ‘buy’.
Q: How do I determine the correct size for me?
📏 A: Sizing sorcery! Check our ‘sizing details’ online. Measure something you love and compare it to our charts for the perfect fit. We’ve also got model photos to guide your quest.
Q: What should I do if I want to return a faulty item?
🔍 A: Faulty finds need to head back home in their original get-up: unworn, unwashed, and unaltered. Remember, the return shipping spell is on you. Contact us within 5 days to report the issue, and let’s get it sorted!
Q: What is the deadline for returning a faulty item?
⌛ A: Got a faulty treasure? Report it within 5 days of its arrival. After 14 days, our gates close for returns.
Q: Are there any fees that will not be refunded in case of a refund?
💸 A: In the rare event of a refund, we can’t return any associated fees (think transaction or shipping fees). You’ll get back your order amount minus the little extras.
Q: Where can I review other policies of Sarsari Creations?
📚 A: Dive into our website for the full scoop on our policies. It’s your go-to guide for all things Sarsari Creations!
Hope this answers all your questions with a sprinkle of joy and clarity! If there's more you're curious about, just give us a shout. 🌈